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Planning Board Minutes, December 8, 2014


This meeting was called to Order at 7:15 PM by Vice Chairman Joseph Gamache

Present:                Don Ellis, Chairman
                        Joseph Gamache, Vice Chairman
                        Joseph Weeks, Clerk
                        Patricia Glenn, Member
                        Laurie Muncy, Town Planner
                        Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant

Absent:                  Steven Regan, Member

Others Present:         Brian R. Cook, Esq. representing Gordon Andrews
                         Jason R. Talerman, Esq. Blatman, Bobrowski & Mead, LLC, Town Counsel
                        Abutters as listed on attendance sheet (attached)       


The minutes of November 24, 2014 were postponed until the next meeting.


7:15 PM   Public Hearing for Mr. Gordon Andrews, applicant to review Adequacy of Access for property located on Snow Street, Assessors Map 1, Lot 1232.

        Mr. Ellis recused himself from the hearing because of a conflict of interest.  Mr. Gamache read the public hearing notice and the abutters were verified.  Mr. Al Vautrinot of Vautrinot Consulting, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Inc. presented a Plan dated 12/4/14 and made the presentation for Adequacy of Access at Snow Street. He explained that Mr. Andrews has essentially proposed to build a house on Lot 1232 for which percs were conducted and a septic system designed. As specified in MGL Chapter 41, Section 81-L, the Planning Board shall determine whether in the opinion of the Board the way has sufficient width, suitable grades and adequate construction to provide for the needs of vehicular traffic in relation to the proposed uses of the land abutting thereon or served thereby, and for the installation of municipal services to serve such land and the buildings erected thereon.
         Using recent pictures to depict the work, Mr. Vautrinot explained that after the previous meeting with the Planning Board in August of 2013, Mr. Andrews had opened up the existing traveled way by clearing all the brush on the side of the road and installing swales to handle storm water runoff.   
        Mr. Gamache asked if the road had been surveyed.  Mr. Vautrinot answered that it had been surveyed several times. They identified the property lines and located a few of the bounds. Ms. Muncy suggested that the bounds that Mr. Vautrinot used to get his measurements should be depicted on the Plan and questioned whether the layout of the road encroaches onto private property.  In addition, Ms. Muncy commented that the Plan has to be sent to the other Town Departments for review and comment.  
        Mr. Talerman, Town Counsel, requested that Mr. Vautrinot provide the pictures to the Planning Department.  He also suggested that the Highway Department and the Fire Department take a look at Snow Street, perhaps on a rainy day to observe how everything is functioning.  In addition he would like to see some survey information as well as engineering for the swales on the Plan and an Operation & Maintenance Plan.
        Mr. Cook commented that it was at the suggestion of the Planning Board that the swales were installed.  He read the 8/26/13 Planning Board motion and vote (attached) into the record as it pertained to the swales.  Ms. Glenn was of the opinion that although a vote was taken, it had been an informal meeting.  Mr. Cook asked if there was anything else that needed to be submitted and if so, to contact his office or Mr. Vautrinot.   Mr. Cook was of the opinion that Mr. Andrews had provided everything that was required in terms of the Town’s By-law for Adequacy of Access.
        Ms. Muncy asked how many homes were being proposed. Mr. Cook said there is only one lot before the Board and one home being proposed by Mr. Andrews.  Mr. Talerman suggested that the Planning Board was entitled to information regarding the potential for build out because of the importance as to what the requirements for adequacy may be.  Mr. Cook reiterated that Mr. Andrews was looking for approval of the Plan that was submitted tonight with no further improvements proposed.  
Mr. Talerman said that regardless, the review standards require that you look at the number of existing and potential lots.  His concern from the applicant’s perspective is that the Board doesn’t have enough information to allow them to make an informed decision or to impose conditions.  In considering the application before them, Mr. Talerman suggested that a site visit and a review by the other Boards would be essential.  The photos and any additional information, engineering or otherwise would be beneficial.      
`       Mr. Weeks commented that in looking at the bigger picture, the Board has made a decision to try to improve the roads in town, not just now, but in the future.  They don’t want to stop construction, just make sure that roads are wide enough and built correctly with drainage.  He said “We want this to work and make sure that everything works well.”  In addition, Mr. Weeks said he cannot make his decision until he has received another opinion from the Fire Chief about the ability of emergency vehicles to pass safely.  Mr. Andrews suggested that the Board take a look at new construction on Charles Street in Hanson and compare it to his proposal.  Ms. Glenn said that Charles Street was approved about 10 years ago under a different Board.

Comments from abutters:

Robert F. Andrews, Snow Street, Hanson  - Testified that the swales were working and had improved drainage, but was of the opinion that the Highway Department had disturbed the function of the swales after re-grading the road.     
Robert Benoit, Pine St., Halifax  - Agreed with Mr. Andrews.  
Wendy Benoit, Pine St., Halifax – Was of the opinion that the road was too narrow at intersection of Snow Street and Monponsett Street.  Also, she had no doubt a fire truck could get down Snow Street, but not if a car was coming from the other direction.
Jennifer Chapman, Snow Street, Hanson – Was of the opinion that the roadway layout overlapping onto her property was of no concern to her.  She was okay with swales installed on Snow Street in front of her property. Mr. Gamache commented that if she sold the property, it might become an issue.
        Motion to continue the hearing until 1/12/15 at 7 PM:  Patricia Glenn
        Second:  Joseph Weeks
        Vote:  3-0-0  

Mr. Ellis rejoined the meeting at 8:10 PM.   


       Mr. Gamache reported that he had inspected Stonebridge Commons and was of the opinion that there could be a potential problem with water going across the road and not draining properly.  He felt that it could be a safety issue.  He was also concerned about snow removal and snow storage.  Mr. Ellis suggested that the review engineer be contacted to do a walk through and have a discussion on how to rectify the problems.  Mr. Gamache asked that Stonebridge be placed on an up-coming agenda.  Ms. Glenn suggested the second meeting in January.  


Mileage Reimbursement/Invoice –  signed


       Motion to adjourn at 8:40 PM:  Joseph Gamache
        Second:  Patricia Glenn
        Vote:  4-0-0